How to heal yourself after a breakup
23 Mar 2023

I. Introduction

Breakups are a common and painful situation in our lives. They can have negative effects on our mental health, including symptoms such as loss of interest, anxiety, and depression that often occur during the breakup process.

However, healing from the pain of a breakup is crucial for restoring our mental health. Healing after a breakup has positive effects on our mental health. It helps us regain trust and confidence in ourselves. It also helps us find new things in life and develop new relationships. Therefore, let healing after a breakup become an essential part of our lives.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction II. Post-breakup trauma III. Ways to heal after a breakup

  1. Psychological approaches
  2. Physical exercise
  3. Connect with friends and family IV. Conclusion

II. Post-breakup trauma

1. Common signs and emotions after a breakup


Breaking up is a common and painful situation in our lives. It can have negative impacts on our mental health, such as loss of interest, anxiety, and depression. However, it is important to heal the trauma after a breakup in order to recover our mental health. Healing the trauma after a breakup has positive effects on our mental health, helping us regain trust and confidence in ourselves. It also helps us discover new things in life and develop new relationships. Therefore, let healing after a breakup become an indispensable part of our lives.

When breaking up, there are many common signs and emotions that a person may experience. Here are some examples:

  • Anxiety: People often worry about their future after a breakup and may be afraid of facing loneliness.

  • Sadness: Sadness and pain are a common sign when breaking up. People may feel like they have lost a part of themselves and find it difficult to continue with life.

  • Anger: A person may feel angry or resentful towards the other person after a breakup, especially if the other person has caused them harm.

  • Loss of interest: A person may lose their passion or interest in activities they used to love.

  • Confusion and uncertainty: When breaking up, a person may feel confused and uncertain about their future.

  • Disappointment and despair: When breaking up, a person may feel disappointed that a relationship has ended or despair because they cannot do anything to save the relationship.

These are just some examples of common signs and emotions after a breakup, and they may differ for each person.

2. The impact of these emotions on the mental and physical well-being of the person going through them


Negative emotions following a breakup can seriously impact the mental and physical well-being of the person. The following are some potential effects that may occur:

  • Pain and emotional imbalance: A person who has just gone through a breakup often feels pain, sadness, despair, loneliness, loss of emotional control, and instability.

  • Sleep disorders: Negative emotions can cause sleep disorders, leading to poor sleep, frequent waking up at night, bad dreams, or inability to sleep.

  • Psychological health: Feelings of being shattered and lonely can lead to anxiety, depression, increased risk of anxiety disorders, or other psychological disorders.

  • Physical health: Negative emotions can affect the person's health by reducing the body's immune function, increasing the risk of illnesses such as joint inflammation, headaches, stomach aches, and other health problems.

  • Self-harm behavior: Some people may self-harm after a breakup, including using addictive substances, fighting, or self-injury.

Therefore, supporting and caring for the person is crucial during this phase to help them overcome negative emotions and restore their mental and physical health.

III. Ways to Heal After a Breakup

1. Psychological Support

There are many benefits to seeking psychological support to help heal after a breakup. Below are some of the main benefits:


  • Rebuilding self-esteem: After a breakup, many people may feel lacking in confidence or self-conscious. Psychological support can help the person rebuild their self-esteem and regain their confidence in life.

  • Creating a safe space to discuss emotions: Psychological support provides a safe space for the person to discuss their emotions and thoughts. Sharing their thoughts and feelings can help relieve pressure and reduce stress.

  • Helping the person face emotions and become stronger: Psychological support can help the person face painful emotions and difficult situations in a wiser way. Facing these emotions and learning how to deal with them can make the person stronger and ready to move on with their life.

  • Helping the person understand themselves and their relationships better: Psychological support can help the person understand themselves and their relationships better. Discussing the struggles and challenges in the relationship can help the person recognize their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the mistakes and lessons learned.

  • Helping the person find constructive solutions for the future: Psychological support can help the person find constructive solutions for the future. Through discussing plans and goals, the person can reorient their life and find ways to continue developing and moving forward.

  • Helping the person feel supported and empathized with: Psychological support provides the person with support and empathy. People who share the same breakup experience can understand and share each other's feelings, making the person feel less alone and knowing that they are not the only one experiencing this.

These are some of the main benefits of seeking psychological support to help heal after a breakup. This can help heal emotional wounds and help the person find balance in their life.

2. Sports Training

There is a lot of scientific evidence showing that sports training has a positive effect in reducing pain and enhancing mental health. Here are some specific pieces of evidence:


  • Sports training reduces pain: A study published in the European Journal of Pain has demonstrated that sports training can reduce pain in people with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and joint pain. The study followed 189 people with various pain conditions and found that sports training reduced pain in all groups.

  • Sports training reduces anxiety and depression: Many studies have shown that sports training can reduce anxiety and depression. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, weekly sports training can alleviate symptoms of depression in adults and enhance mental health.

  • Sports training reduces stress: Research has shown that sports training helps reduce stress and enhances the ability to cope with stress. According to a study published in the Psychosomatic Medicine journal, sports training can reduce stress and enhance the ability to cope with stress in stressful situations.

  • Sports training enhances mental health: Research has shown that sports training enhances mental health, making the trainees more active and emotionally satisfied. According to a study by the American College of Sports Medicine, sports training can enhance mental health and reduce the risk of psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety.

There are many different sports activities that can help people feel better, depending on their preferences, fitness level, and health status. Here are some suitable sports activities:

  • Running: This is the simplest and most effective sports activity to improve mental health. Running helps enhance heart health, reduce stress, and depression.

  • Yoga: This is a gentle sports activity that helps increase body flexibility, reduce stress, and enhance mental health.

  • Swimming: This is a comprehensive sports activity that helps enhance heart and respiratory health, reduce stress, and enhance mental health.

  • Aerobic exercise: This is a sports activity that focuses on enhancing heart and respiratory health, reducing excess fat, and enhancing mental health.

  • Cycling: This sports activity helps enhance both physical and mental health by increasing heart health, reducing stress, and enhancing mental health.

3. Connecting with Friends and Family


Connecting and communicating with friends and family is an important part of healing after a breakup. After a breakup, many people feel sad, lonely, and disconnected from their community. In such situations, connecting and communicating with friends and family can help the person feel cared for, loved, and supported by the community around them.

This can help reduce feelings of loneliness and increase optimism, helping the person face their emotions in a more positive way. Connecting and communicating can also help the person seek the necessary advice and support from loved ones, helping them find ways to overcome pain and move forward.

Additionally, connecting and communicating can help the person maintain their social relationships, improve communication skills, and express emotions more effectively. These skills can help the person strengthen their social relationships in the future, creating favorable conditions for building better relationships.


Here are some suggestions and advice for readers to seek support and share their emotions with loved ones:

  • Find a trusted person to share with: Find a friend, family member, or psychologist you trust and feel comfortable sharing your feelings with. This can be a close friend, sibling, or parent.

  • Choose the right time to share: If you're feeling sad or experiencing strong emotions, wait until you feel more stable before sharing with someone else.

  • Express your emotions honestly: Tell the person about your feelings honestly. Don't try to hide or minimize your feelings.

  • Listen to advice and support from others: Open your heart and listen to the advice and support of the person you're sharing with. They may have different perspectives and provide valuable advice.

  • Don't hesitate to ask for help: If you feel the need for more support, ask for help from others. They can help you find useful resources or support you in finding professional help.

  • Seek support from organizations or support groups: There are many organizations and support groups that can help you find the support you need.

IV. Conclusion

Healing from the pain of a breakup is crucial to help individuals recover and move forward in their lives. To achieve this, one can seek support from psychology, exercise, connect and communicate with friends and family, and share their emotions with trusted individuals.

Finally, remember that healing is not a quick process, and you may need time to recover. Be persistent and remember that you are not alone. Open the door to connect and communicate with those around you to feel loved.
